Special Report Being Given Away FREE Today For People Who Want To Learn How To Heal Faster After Falling From Your Horse.

FREE REPORT: “Four Steps To Healing Faster After Falling From Your Horse”

Discover how you can find lasting relief from your riding injury aches and pains!

Yours Free From Specialist Physical Therapist, Brenda Bryson

Brenda Bryson PT, LMT

Leading Physical Therapist in Hill Country, Central Texas

A Personal Message From Physical Therapist and Owner, Brenda Bryson.

This INFORMATION is put together for the person suffering from the trauma of falling off their horse.

Do you know the Torment? Lying on the couch on the weekend, not being able to spend quality time with your family and/ or friends because you have a “tedious Ache” in your neck which won’t go away. Or the “abrupt ache” keeping you from sleeping at night, and has you reaching for the pills you know are only masking over the pain, but not fixing it. 

You know in your heart the painkillers are NOT the answer because they are damaging to your body. Relaxing until the pain goes away is not working, and may be even worse because your body is getting used to being inactive.

Over the past 20 years I’ve been working daily to help people aged 35+ find relief from chronic pain and I can assure you that taking painkillers and resting will not fix the root cause of most types of pain issues… and actually, may even be hindering you from finding relief.

It is frustrating to see the number of people who are suffering needlessly with pain. I’ve written a Report which details what any person can do to begin finding natural relief for aches and pains.

I Would Like For You To Have This Report For FREE.

Now I don’t know if the information in my Report will relieve you from your aches and pains but I can tell you that it has worked for most of my patients and clients over the last 15 years.

Also, reading my Report has to be more powerful than resting, taking more pills or excepting the standard phrase “this is just what happens with age”

If The Aches And Pains Are Affecting Your Life You NEED To Read This FREE Report.

Please take a few minutes and imagine how your life would be if you DON’T take control of your pain NOW. How will the aches and pains affect your ability to excel at work, your preservation of self-worth and also your independence?

Will you be fun to be around? Will you be able to care for your family and enjoy life? I know you understand what I am saying.

You know it’s time to request my free Report… Do that by calling the clinic at  (830)-431-0773, or CLICK the orange button below and confirm your details.

There are a limited number of free copies of this Report available – so please don’t wait and request your copy today.


Brenda Bryson 

FREE REPORT: “Four Steps To Healing Faster After Falling From Your Horse”

Discover how you can find lasting relief from your riding injury aches and pains!

Yours Free From Specialist Physical Therapist, Brenda Bryson

More about the person you will be helped by…

Brenda graduated in 1997 holding a Master of Physical Therapy degree from The Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.  

She began her journey with John F Barnes’ Myofascial Release in 2002, became a Licensed Massage Therapist in 2007, and opened Monarch Physical Therapy in 2011.

“Look Who Else Came For Specialist Physical Therapy At Monarch Physical Therapy And Left Feeling More ACTIVE, HEALTHY And HAPPY… In Just A Few Short Weeks”!


I began MFR therapy immediately (the same day) after a horseback riding accident. It was a traumatic injury to my back and shoulder since I landed on a wooden beam. I did not have X-rays taken or take any medications for my injury. After a few sessions, I was able to ride later that same week and have continued to progress and improve. It has been 8 weeks and I am almost back to normal, thanks to the competent staff of Monarch, and use of the Biomat , which I was able to rent from them. I'm happy I had the confidence to choose this treatment and this clinic. I have complete confidence in the staff at Monarch Physical Therapy.


Mid 50's, San Antonio, TX

Shannon and Hannah have worked on me and they both are fantastic and able to understand my needs, which are serious and needy. I can recommend them highly; and I am sure the others are equally as good.


Late 60's, Boerne, TX

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