Telehealth – Introduction to Virtual Sessions

We just wanted to let everyone know that because of covid and CDC recommendations, we are shifting to a virtual platform. If you need to contact a therapist, we just email you a code, or text it to you, whatever is easier, and then you can follow that link and start a conversation about what […]

How to Stay Active Even Though it’s Dark Wayyyyyyy too Early!


I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of early darkness and cold weather—I’m a summer sunshine girl, and I can only handle so much!!! It’s just not healthy to go to bed at 7pm (even if it feels like 10:30!) every night, and for me, it’s much harder to work out/stay […]

5 Simple Ways to Have a Strong and Pain-Free Back ????????????

Blue Bonnet

???????????? Are you ready for spring drives in the country to look at bluebonnets, but don’t’ want to because of back pain, read on…. 1 – STAND UP ????‍♀️????‍♀️????‍♀️ Have you been sitting more than normal lately? Long car rides/flights or conferences seem to increase back pain because we are not designed to sit for […]

March Stretching Classes Schedule

Spring is right around the corner.  Days are getting warmer, the grass is getting greener and flowers are popping up along Texas roadways. It’s a great time to get outside and play with the kids, go on long hikes, clean up the yard or spend some time in your garden.   Just like the garden […]

Pelvic Floor…. How Do You Feel When You Hear These Words?


Embarrasment? Why are people talking about this on facebook, or better yet, why are they talking about it at HEB in the produce asile??? Shame? Knowing there are issues and hearing these words just makes you turn red and get all clammy?? My favorite is “what the heck does physical therapy have to do with […]

Answered: A Common Question About Pilates, Weights and Strengthening

Warrior Dash

This week’s topic is all about answering questions we get here at the clinic: “Why don’t y’all do more strengthening stuff like Pilates or weights? “ How much time do y’all have, this answer might be long and complex…but I will do my best to make is short and sweet! 1. Long muscle is strong […]

Understanding of MFR and Stretching Concepts


I know a lot of you have enjoyed deepening your understanding of MFR and stretching concepts by taking the 4 week class that Elizabeth teaches (isn’t she a great teacher!?!?), and we are pleased to continue to offer those classes monthly. I just wanted to comment a little on how LIFE is like MFR concepts […]