New Year… NEW YOU

We have made it through to 2018 officially and into a new year.   It is a time of new beginnings, shifting, and a new season.  Time to look to the present harvest time we are in and beautiful things yet to unfold. It’s a time for the “New You” to finally emerge out of the […]

Christmas Gifts Starting at Just $30 Now Available!

December is this week!!! How did that happen?? It was just August! Time is rolling by fast, so my weekly blogging might be delayed by trying to have fun! Our family is going to try just doing stocking stuffers — no gifts this year (no kids to shop for and who needs more stuff!?). We […]

Thank Goodness We Live in the USA and Have the Freedom to Change

My staff encouraged me to blog on this topic this week, so I have decided to go with it, despite my inner Introvert cringing…here goes. Do you remember the last time you had fun? I mean, belly laughter, free to be yourself, fun. For me, that involves being physically relaxed, no schedule, no tension headaches, […]

We Take Excellent Care of YOU, Not the Insurance Company. Here’s Why:

“So, what is this going to cost me?” I hear this question a lot from new clients, or people checking us out over the phone. I totally get it, because I understand living on a tight budget. More often than not, paying for healthcare seems like a grudge purchase—almost as if paying for new tires […]

Do You Think This is True? (About People in Texas)

I saw a great post on facebook the other day, it went something like this: There is some truth to this…with the hurricaine, and now Labor Day, it’s very hard to know what is going on! Well, at Monarch, lots is going on!!! We have hired a new physical therapist, Amber Drabek, PT and she […]

Let Us Lead With Our Hearts, and Keep Being Kind to Our Neighbors

Harvey, Katrina, Celia….to some people, these are just names, but to Texans, they are storms. There are more names on this list, and there are unnamed storms that have caused flooding, fear and havoc to add to this list. They trigger most of us—we remember the fear, the out-of-control feeling of being stuck and needing […]

“My Session Was Great, but Now I’m Feeling More!”

This email/verbal feedback comes in weekly, so I wanted to spend a bit more time talking about this. Some background on me: most of my life, I was functioning in a highly stimulated nervous system way—basically, I had an over-reaction to small, everyday things, because my body was stuck in fight-or-flight. I had no clue […]

How Little Things – Done Consistently – Can Solve Big Problems

One year. We have had our vintage trailer one year. The plan is to have an “RV park for one” in our back 2 acres. So this process started with a great adventure of my sweet husband going on adventure with my parents to get this 1967 trailer from Wisconson. We were high on adrenaline […]

We Are Here for the Long Haul, What Can We Do for You?

Human nature is funny…it’s irrational and sometimes just crazy. The bottom line is, we are all human, so in some ways, we are all very much alike. This blog usually answers questions that have come up in the clinic over the past week, or topics/what we are up to (some would say, Brenda is always […]

Summer Is Here, Let’s Enjoy It! I hope you are all having a great summer! I want to remind all of us, to take the time to get outside, visit with neighbors, and try and have some fun. It’s not all about making it fancy or getting it perfect. It’s much more about the fellowship, the community, and even , […]