What To Do When Your Back Pain Only Shows Up the Day After You Play Golf….

Spring is here in Texas, that means getting outside before it’s 100 degrees at 10 am. Lots of our clients play golf–our office is less than a mile from a country club. More and more of them are coming in and reporting “I feel really good the day I play, but the next day, my back really hurts.” When listening in more detail, it turns out, this has been going on for months. They might have tried the usual routine : rest, ice, Advil. Some have gone the extra mile and sought out chiropractic care, higher dose muscle relaxer from the MD, or the occasional massage.

The problem is: the pain is still there the day after playing golf.

Human nature is really quite predictable. None of us really want to have to make decisions. It seems much easier to just wake up, hope that today will be an awesome day, and that the nagging, annoying, back-pain-that-makes-me-not-so-nice, will have magically gone away.

We get it. We hear this every day.

We are trained to help correct posture, teach stretching, provide hands on work in private one-on-one sessions, so that change can occur.

What if today could be that day you felt 10% better?

How awesome would that feel??

We have many ways to help. Would you like us to email you a copy of our back pain tip sheet report?



Would you like to talk to one of our therapists, for 20 min, absolutely free? Just call 830.431.0773 or email frontdesk@monarchpt.com

Would you like more information about us? Click here to read all about Monarch PT

We are problem solvers, here for the long haul, to be a part of your health care team when you need us.

Thank you so much for taking your valuable time to read this!



Brenda Bryson, PT, MPT, LMT
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What To Do When Your Back Pain Only Shows Up the Day After You Play Golf….


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